Title: Targetted Eco-Marketting based on Your Forum Opinions? Google Analytics based? Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on July 22, 2011, 09:52:27 am Less than 2-hrs after I made a post, the content of which if analysed by say A COMPUTER - which might conclude that I had genuine Pro ECO-CARBON Trading SCAM, Anti-Industrial thoughts .. viz: http://globalgulag.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,1243.0.html I received this email from a source I have never heard from before announcing that since 2010, the UK Government/National Power Grid have been paying electricity consumers for any electricity they might produce by means of Solar Panels or Wind-turbine and and thus feedback into the National Grid. This is quite possibly how the Internet's Profiled targetting of people with Pro-Eco propaganda in response to any favourable opinions they post on forums or blogs etc., and this must be done by AI software as Google Analytics promised. ""Feed-in Tariffs (FITS) became available in Great Britain on 1st April 2010. Under this scheme, energy suppliers have to make regular payments to homeowners who generate their own electricity from renewable or low carbon sources such as solar panels. Once you have your solar panels installed you will not only experience a reduction in your monthly electricity bill but you will also receive an income from your Feed-in Tariff provider! With the Sunday Times listing solar panels as one of its top 5 investments, it's no wonder there has been over 11.000 solar panel installations in 2011 already." (http://images.acxiomonline.com/images/ch/ecoexperts/2011/06Jun02/eco-experts-header-2011-04-21.jpg) (http://images.acxiomonline.com/images/ch/ecoexperts/2011/06Jun02/eco-experts-main-banner-2011-04-21.jpg) (http://images.acxiomonline.com/images/ch/ecoexperts/2011/06Jun02/eco-experts-solar-panels-2011-04-21.jpg) (http://images.acxiomonline.com/images/ch/ecoexperts/2011/06Jun02/eco-experts3-easy-steps-2011-04-21.gif) Personally, they just put me off, but I'm not the kind of person that ..... hmmmm |