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Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
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Topic: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke! (Read 6383 times)
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Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
August 24, 2010, 06:29:41 pm »
Below is the so-called "Contract From America" that Tea Party members are urged to sign (with responses by me to follow):
The Contract from America
We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.
Individual Liberty
Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.
Limited Government
The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.
Economic Freedom
The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.
1. Protect the Constitution
Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)
2. Reject Cap & Trade
Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)
3. Demand a Balanced Budget
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)
4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)
5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington
Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)
6. End Runaway Government Spending
Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)
7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)
8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)
9. Stop the Pork
Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)
10. Stop the Tax Hikes
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)
And now for my response:
Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government.
Agreed -- although, as I’m about to reveal, the above assertion is simply the first of the two times during the day when even a broken clock is right.
It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression
Does that mean you’re willing to openly denounce the imposition of such restrictions at both the
National Republican Party conventions? Or do you only decry such restrictions when imposed by Democrats?
and free from excessive control over our economic choices.
“Excessive” as defined by
? The very
government that --
of whether the corporate **** Democrats or corporate **** Republicans are in charge -- has consistently imposed such “control” via prohibitively high
barriers, overextended
protection, and, in the case of alternative medicine, virtual (if not outright)
The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties
What specifically are those liberties?
The liberty to decide for yourself what
mind-altering substance
you put into your own body, or the mere “liberty” to sheepishly let control-freak Republicans make that decision
The liberty to inform the public why the banker-owned U.S. government’s
official story
on 9/11 is a
lie and a fraud
, or the mere “liberty” to mindlessly cheerlead the slaughter and torture of “brown people” on the
of that official story?
The liberty to inform the public why
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
are both war criminals who belong behind bars, or the mere “liberty” to wrap everything they did in the American flag?
Or are these precisely the sort of politically incorrect questions your beloved “Patriot” Act was meant to discourage
from ever asking in the first place?
by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders.
Even if that “threat” happens to be a
Republican presidential administration
that wraps every Nazi-style police state measure it imposes in the American flag? Or is it only when Democrats are in control that you concern yourself with such a threat?
When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.
Republicans were in charge of the federal government as well as numerous state governments between 2000 and 2006. During that time, can you name so much as a single licensing barrier that Republicans attempted to lower or eliminate; a single overextended patent they attempted to revoke; or a single
victimless crime
law they attempted to repeal? If not, then why should any rational person regard this as anything other than the usual canned campaign rhetoric that political con artists from the Republican Party parrot every election season just to get votes?
The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market.
Do you include in this definition of “free market” the ridiculously fraudulent and utterly parasitic process whereby private banks extract countless billions in
usurious interest
from the economy each year in exchange for the
out of which they create the so-called "money” they loan? Do you include the
-free market process whereby bought-off politicians grant development subsidies and tax abatements to
slave goods
-selling Wal-Mart while simultaneously denying such privileges to smaller competitors? If the honest answer to either question is "yes," then why should anyone regard your feel-good platitudes about the “free market” as anything other than a right-wing version of Obama's feel-good platitudes about “hope and change”?
The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty.
Yet bestowing privileges (i.e. unearned advantages) to select corporations -- as
major parties have done countless times over the years -- has had the effect of imposing artificial
on our economic “choices.” Thus, in the absence of specific calls for
said privileges (i.e., prohibitively high licensing barriers, overextended patent protection, corporate welfare, etc.), why should anyone regard this as anything more than recycled campaign rhetoric that Republicans used to gain control of Congress in 1994 and the White House in 2000, only to expand big government
across the board
once safely in office?
Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.
Same old empty rhetoric we get from establishment Republicans every single election season.
Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)
The Tenth Amendment already does this, yet that didn’t prevent the Republican-controlled Congress and White House from implementing Constitution-shredding police state expansion measures, did it?
Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)
Although a bit too sanitized for my taste, this is obviously the
time during the day when even a broken clock is right.
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)
Whether you realize it or not, that is exactly what the
financial terrorists
waging literal
on our economy
us to do, since this would justify the very
IMF-style austerity measures
that Obama is attempting to impose under the usual pretext of reducing the deficit. There are two reasons it would force crippling austerity:
1. If the national debt were completely paid off, the money supply that was pyramided (via fractional reserve lending) on top of government debt would completely collapse, and the economy along with it!
2. Even if we froze federal spending tomorrow, the interest on the national debt would keep
right on compounding
. This would merely drive that much more of a wedge between (a) the overall indebtedness of the economy (principal-plus-interest) and (b) the amount of money there is in circulation to pay it off. Thus, to drive such a wedge would be to make
interest payments
the primary purpose of federal tax collection.
I’m sure the aforementioned terrorists are quaking in their boots at the thought of
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)
shift the tax burden
even more
off the rich and onto the backs of the lower and middle classes. Then we’ll be “free” to fight over what few crumbs of wealth and income remain after the
top 1%
have finished
the vast majority of it to themselves.
Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)
Still more empty generalities that, true to Republican Party tradition, avoid calling for the outright repeal of any specific program or the abolishment of any particular agency. And even when the Republican Party does pledge to eliminate something specific, it has already proven that it will immediately break that promise once safely in office.
Case in point? The Department of “Education” (DoE).
The 1996 National Republican Platform called for abolishing the DoE outright, yet once the Republicans had secured control of the White House as well as both houses of Congress, not only did they do nothing to eliminate the DoE, they continued to increase its funding. And that, of course, is because the “big wealthy business interests” (as George Carlin
put it
) who
the Republican Party
the DoE to continue its documented and increasingly obvious agenda of “
deliberate dumbing down
Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)
And when this cap on spending forces spending cuts to be made, do you honestly expect us to believe that a Republican-controlled government will reduce spending on either imperialist wars of aggression overseas or police state expansionism here at home -- even though the Republicans did everything they could to
those two expenditures when they were in charge? Didn’t think so.
Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)
Does this mean you support (a)
relegalizing alternative medicine
medical marijuana
-- (b) revoking overextended drug patents -- particularly those granted for “
” drugs and for drugs developed primarily at
expense -- and (c) reforming
medical licensing
laws so that only those health care providers who accept government subsidies are required to be state certified? Didn’t think so.
Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)
If you’re for increasing “competition,” does this mean you support
using antitrust action to break up the oil cartel
? Didn’t think so.
Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)
See my previous remarks on the balanced budget amendment.
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)
With regard to “capital gains,” will you at least acknowledge that these are, in many if not most cases, primarily
-- i.e. increases in the publicly-created value of land -- and that economists throughout history (beginning with
Adam Smith
) have maintained that a
tax on land values
is unlike any other tax in the sense that it does not in any way penalize or discourage productivity? Didn’t think so.
With regard to the so-called “death” tax (read:
tax), will you at least acknowledge that this tax doesn’t even
to the bottom 99% of income earners, and that you are hence revealing (however unwittingly) an obvious class bias in continually bemoaning this tax while making no mention of the payroll tax -- even though the latter falls harder on most Americans than even the individual income tax? Didn’t think so.
Unsurprisingly absent from the above "contract" are
civil liberties
foreign policy
, and
monetary reform
With regard to civil liberties, is this inexcusable omission on your part a veiled way of saying you
“Patriot” Act
, the
Homeland “Security” Act
, the
Military Commissions Act
, and
Presidential Directive 51
? Is
your idea of “protecting” the Constitution? If so, don’t be surprised if it isn’t just liberal Democrats who
at you!
With regard to foreign policy, is this equally inexcusable omission a veiled way of saying you
wasting nearly a trillion dollars in taxpayer money each year waging
hornets’ nest-stirring
wars of aggression -- all because you’re either too cowardly or too self-righteous to admit that the banker-owned U.S. government in which you've invested so much blind faith over the years
to you about who orchestrated the
9/11 terrorist attacks
and why? In light of the Republican Party’s disgraceful track record on this issue, the question practically answers itself.
And with regard to monetary reform, is
omission a veiled way of saying that (notwithstanding your obligatory lip service to the need for “auditing” conveniently unnamed “agencies”) you
(a) generally
debt-based, privately-controlled money system
that has inflicted so much damage on our economy -- and which now has us on the verge of the greatest depression in U.S. history -- and
(b) are hence
to replacing this system with the sort of
debt-free money system
advocated by such monetary reformers as Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Byron Dale, Stephen Zarlenga, and the makers of both
The Money Masters
documentary and the recently-released sequel,
The Secret of Oz
If so, then -- whether you realize it or not, and whether you want to admit it or not -- you are actually helping to
the very economic disease you laughingly presume to cure with this thoroughly discredited ideological snake-oil of yours.
Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 12:16:58 pm by Geolibertarian
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #1
August 24, 2010, 06:31:09 pm »
midterm elections
are fast approaching -- and since an alarming number of "conservative" voters have ridiculously short memories -- I thought I'd draw their attention to the following, so that they don't fall for the same
Republican snake-oil
all over again:
Growth in federal spending unchecked
by Richard Wolf
WASHINGTON — Federal spending is outstripping economic growth at a rate unseen in more than half a century, provoking some conservatives to complain that government under Republican control has gotten too big.
The federal government is currently spending 20.8 cents of every $1 the economy generates, up from 18.5 cents in 2001, White House budget documents show. That's the most rapid growth during one administration since Franklin Roosevelt.
How federal spending has climbed since 2001
There are no signs that the trend is about to turn around. The House Budget Committee last week rejected a proposal that would require spending hikes to be offset by cuts in other spending or by tax increases.
This week, the House is scheduled to debate the $2.8 trillion budget for 2007, which projects an additional $3 trillion of debt in the next five years.
The Sept. 11 attacks, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Gulf Coast hurricanes account for only part of the increased spending.
Other factors: the biggest military buildup in decades, domestic spending, and the rise of benefits for the elderly, poor and disabled.
"You take anything, and we've grown it big," says Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a leading critic of the spending spurt. "When you're in control of the presidency and both houses of Congress, there's just no stop on it. There's no brake."
The Grand Old Spending Party: How Republicans Became Big Spenders
by Stephen Slivinski
Cato Institute
May 3, 2005
President Bush has presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. Even after excluding spending on defense and homeland security, Bush is still the biggest-spending president in 30 years. His 2006 budget doesn’t cut enough spending to change his place in history, either.
Total government spending grew by 33 percent during Bush’s first term. The federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5 percent of GDP on Clinton’s last day in office to 20.3 percent by the end of Bush’s first term.
Stephen Slivinski is director of budget studies at the Cato Institute.
The Republican Congress has enthusiastically assisted the budget bloat. Inflation-adjusted spending on the combined budgets of the 101 largest programs they vowed to eliminate in 1995 has grown by 27 percent.
The GOP was once effective at controlling nondefense spending. The final nondefense budgets under Clinton were a combined $57 billion smaller than what he proposed from 1996 to 2001. Under Bush, Congress passed budgets that spent a total of $91 billion more than the president requested for domestic programs. Bush signed every one of those bills during his first term. Even if Congress passes Bush’s new budget exactly as proposed, not a single cabinet-level agency will be smaller than when Bush assumed office.
To all you "conservatives" and right-leaning "libertarians" out there: with the possible exception of
Rand Paul
, either vote for your 3rd party or independent candidate of choice this November, or
don't vote at all!
(The same, of course, goes for anti-war/anti-police state "liberals" and "progressives.")
Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 11:27:48 am by Geolibertarian
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
Rockefeller Foundation
.” -- Richard M. Ebeling
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Republican Tea Party Organization Reports Death Threats
Reply #2
August 27, 2010, 11:41:49 am »
Republican Tea Party Organization Reports Death Threats
Kurt Nimmo
August 27, 2010
Corporate media generated and whipped up hysteria and hatred directed at the Tea Party movement has resulted in death threats, according to GOP Majority Leader Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks. Adam Brandon told
U.S.News & World Report
that Armey and his organization received dozens threatening and harassing phone calls and emails.
FreedomWorks, funded in part by the neocon Richard Mellon
Scaife, is the establishment’s answer to the Libertarian Tea
Party movement.
FreedomWorks is the establishment’s answer to the grassroots Tea Party movement. Republicans Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett also work for the organization. It is funded in part by the notorious neocon foundation run by
CIA asset
Richard Mellon Scaife
. During his career as a member of the House of Representatives, Dick Armey voted as a mainline Republican. Following his vote for the Iraq invasion, the Texas Republican
he had been “bullshitted” by then vice president Dick Cheney.
Recordings played for U.S.News & World Report’s “Washington Whispers” Paul Bedard contain direct threats. “You guys better watch it,” one caller threatens. “Now, we are going to destroy and obliterate Rush [limbaugh] and Sean Hannity,” says another. “Those two guys are dead.”
Democrats claimed they received death threats and were victims of vandalism following their votes for Obama’s health care bill. On March 24, Democrat House majority leader
Steny Hoyer
said at least 10 House members had raised concerns about their personal security. The FBI and police investigated the threats, according to
Republican whip
Eric Cantor
told reporters on March 25 that he had also been the subject of threats and that a shot was fired through a window of his campaign office in Richmond, Virginia. “It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political gain,” said Cantor, criticizing Democrats for exploiting the alleged threats and vandalism.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn went on MSNBC on March 25 and characterized the obscene phones calls and emails as domestic terrorism. Clyburn said people are getting “signals” from Republicans on how to behave and that lawmakers need to “disown” the activity before it gets out of control. He suggested his colleagues were culpable. “If we participate in it, either from the balcony or on the floor of the House, you are aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism, really,”
Clyburn said
Clyburn and Missouri Democrat Emanuel Cleaver said Tea Party activists had
spit on them and hurled racial epithets
as Democrat lawmakers walked to the Capitol to cast a vote on Obama’s authoritarian health care bill. Numerous videos of the alleged assault reveal nothing of the sort occurred.
According to
Douglas J. Hagmann
of the Northeast Intelligence Network, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security created a watch list containing names of individuals associated with the pro-life and Tea Party movement following accusations made by Democrats. The individuals, according to Hagmann’s sources, “are considered a threat to domestic security, continuity of government operations, and to the lives of lawmakers and their families.”
Hagmann said lawmakers were “exploring the application of the Patriot Act against any right-wing individual or group that poses a danger to government operations.”
On March 30, Fox News insinuated that readers of Infowars.com were responsible for threatening lawmakers. “Hundreds of comments were posted in response to an incendiary story on infowars.com, the radical far-right Web site owned by radio host Alex Jones. The story, entitled, ‘The Cost Of Defying Obamacare: $2,250 a Month And IRS Goons Pointing Guns At Your Family,’ focused on the ‘increasing militarization of the IRS’ and its expansion of powers under the new health care law,”
Jana Winter
Claims by Democrats and Republicans of violence add fuel to the corporate media generated campaign to portray opposition to the policies of Obama and the federal government as radical and representing a potential threat to national security.
The GOP hijacked Tea Party has reinvigorated the false right-left paradigm with its accusations of violence. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are establishment figures and are not the voice of change.
FreedomWorks, run in part by money provided by the neocon Richard Mellon Scaife, does not represent the Tea Party movement. The original Libertarian Tea Party movement was hijacked by establishment Republicans and is now a device designed to derail the movement and turn it into a cheer-leading section for the Republican party as the government prepares for the mid-term elections.
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
Rockefeller Foundation
.” -- Richard M. Ebeling
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9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! www.ae911truth.org
Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #3
August 27, 2010, 12:40:27 pm »
If there are any relative newcomers who are confused as to how the Tea Party came to exist in the first place, see the following:
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
Rockefeller Foundation
.” -- Richard M. Ebeling
Posts: 5
Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #4
August 30, 2010, 06:22:00 pm »
I put this together, think it works
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Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #5
August 30, 2010, 06:43:52 pm »
I'm glad I already had breakfast. But agreed.
(If only that maxim were enforced!)
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9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! www.ae911truth.org
Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #6
September 15, 2010, 05:28:47 pm »
FOX NEWS Preying on the Fears of Older Technologically Ignorant Seniors to Co-opt Tea Party
Jason Charles
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sad but true, FOX News has successfully co-opted the entire Tea Party back under the Neo-Con controlled tent of the GOP.
With Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s
Restore America Rally
posting numbers well over the 100,000+ mark we have to analyze exactly how the “social architects” accomplished this incredible feat.
The Tea Party is largely made up of Republicans, Independents and some Democrats shown in a major study quoted by
CBS News
in April.
“More than four in 10 self-described members of the Tea Party also identify as either Independents or Democrats, according to a recently released,
comprehensive survey
Yet the Tea Party’s priority appears to be fiscal conservatism, and the group by large margins trusts Republicans in Congress over Democrats to solve the country’s problems.
In a collection of three national surveys conducted by the Republican-leaning Winston Group, 57 percent of Tea Party members called themselves Republicans while 28 percent said they were Independents, and 13 percent said they were Democrats. Two-thirds of the group identified as conservative, but 26 percent said they are moderate and 8 percent called themselves liberal.”
The majority of those who first came to be associated with the Tea Party back in 2006 and earlier are people who split from the GOP after the atrocious human rights and unconstitutional actions of the Bush administration revealed their true colors as war mongering fascists. These are all people who recognize the two party system as being totally controlled opposition bringing in none other than a New World Order in place of America’s sovereignty.
This early Tea Party movement was all about ending unjust wars, stopping the North American Union, and eradicating the fraudulent institution called the Federal Reserve. They were mobilizing against such things as wire-tapping, and spying on American citizens without warrants, the encroaching police state, the economic collapse and other issues that were legitimately threatening our republic. They did this during, and against the Bush administration alongside the anti-war left.
So what happened to the Old Tea Party?
Who are all the newcomers to the Tea Party movement? How did it massively balloon in size in a matter of a couple years and is now made up of the same
war mongering, Muslim hating neo-cons that the Bush admin was comprised of
Easy, the answer lays in the FOX News demographics and average age of their viewing audience. Fox news viewership according to a
survey conducted by Steve Sternber
, places the average age of any given FOX News watcher at 65 years old.
“According to a survey released by media analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News’ average viewer last season was aged 65, the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks.
CNN wasn’t far behind, though — its average audience was 63. MSNBC was a perky 59. CNBC is the young turk at 52.”
The technological divide
The early Tea Party was comprised of college students and working adults who having been exposed to the internet at a very early age and the informational renaissance that it had to offer. These young people mobilized against real issues that threatened our nation. Issues like ending the Federal Reserve, warrant-less wire-tapping, unjust and endless war. Things they learned about on the internet and not on T.V. or in universities. They didn’t buy into the two-party false dialectic and actively opposed the corporate sell off of our country to the New World Order System.
This tech savvy generation translated over into the massive Ron Paul Revolution in 2008 and is still going strong, is very patient and growing in numbers, but compared to traditionally conservative Fox News watchers still a
minority demographic
A renaissance has occurred underneath the radar of our nations millions of traditionally conservative seniors. Documentary films like
America: Freedom to Fascism (VIDEO)
which explains the fraud that is the private Federal Reserve system, or the
Obama Deception (VIDEO)
that tears apart both Bush and Obama administrations as slaves to the elite agenda of a New World Order, or 9/11 exposing films like
Core of Corruption (VIDEO)
that methodically destroys the official story remain just out of reach because simple
ignorance of basic computer skills
This over 65+ demographic is traditionally computer illiterate. They still type domain names into the Google bar of their browser because URL addresses are a foreign language to them. In fact their technological skill set is really limited to emailing and flipping their cable box to Fox News in eager anticipation of Glenn Beck and Jack Baur style terrorist busting.
This technological gap in the elderly population is what has allowed FOX News to continue to shape the collective fear of an entire generation. In fact if you look at pictures of Tea Party rallies and who is in attendance a large percentage of people are sporting silvery/white hair. This is just a fact.
The commies have taken the Whitehouse
Another thing that has totally been overlooked is the constant use of the term ’socialist’, ‘communist’, ‘radical left-wing agenda’ to describe Obama. This rhetoric is purposefully preying on the sentiments of the childhood, cold war traumas of the 65+ generation. The purpose is to pit the U.S. and Israel against a very un-likely nuclear Iran, just like the nuclear stand-off with the godless communist countries of the 60’s – 80’s. The political tool of nuclear threat has been resurrected by the Bush administration and continued by the Obama administration in the guise of so called “Islamo-Fascist” nuclear threat.
We need to worry less about the failed presidency of Obama and more about whether the real controlling elite will set a nuke off in America and blame it on the Tea Partiers who are being played up as violent extremists at every turn. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Fox News and the Republican Party have monopolized control over the Tea Party. This technological divide needs to be bridged by those of us who are associated with the old guard and can educate their Gadsden waving elders on who the real enemies are in this nation.
DVD truth documentaries play a big role in this educational process. Seniors may not be able to adjust their screen resolution from 800×600, but they do know how to operate a DVD player.
The only thing that will wake them up to the Truth that Glenn Beck lies by omission is when they see exactly what has been omitted on their very own T.V’s.
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
Rockefeller Foundation
.” -- Richard M. Ebeling
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9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! www.ae911truth.org
Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #7
September 15, 2010, 05:35:07 pm »
Quote from: Geolibertarian on September 15, 2010, 05:28:47 pm
This over 65+ demographic is traditionally computer illiterate. They still type domain names into the Google bar of their browser because URL addresses are a foreign language to them. In fact their technological skill set is really limited to emailing and flipping their cable box to Fox News in eager anticipation of Glenn Beck and Jack Baur style terrorist busting.
This technological gap in the elderly population is what has allowed FOX News to continue to shape the collective fear of an entire generation.
Although in many cases this political trend among the "elderly" is indeed the result of their being "ignorant" of how to use the Internet, in all too many others it's because of
on their part. They simply refuse to swallow their precious egos and admit to just how badly they've allowed themselves to be deceived, manipulated and betrayed over and over again by the very political "leaders" in whom they've invested so much blind faith over the years.
From what I've observed and experienced, it is precisely this arrogance that compels middle and upper-middle class retirees (particularly if they're former military) to
avert their gaze
from anything that shatters the illusions on which their delusional, comic-book worldview is based, and to rail hysterically and self-righteously at whoever committed the almighty sin of attempting to enlighten them.
No amount of computer literacy classes will make a difference with such folks (or with their brainwashed counterparts in younger age groups), because it's not merely that they "don't know" certain things, but that they don't
to know.
In fact, so blinded are they by this arrogance, that they'll mindlessly cheerlead right-wing demagogues who privately view them as
no less parasitic
than the "welfare recipients" that they (property rich seniors) sooo love to look down upon, and who are determined to reduce and eventually eliminate the entitlement benefits they currently take for granted. These misguided souls will literally saw off the very economic branch they're sitting on as long as the saw that's been handed to them is wrapped in the American flag.
Will the elderly Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin cultists wake up and smell the
corporate fascist
Kool-Aid they've been drinking before the ruling-class puppets whom they insist on following like sheep start doing to
what they've been
doing to the wage-earners
who finance their Social Security and military retirement checks?
Thus far, I've seen virtually no indication that they will. And because they are arguably the
most powerful voting bloc
in the entire country, that means they'll be dragging the rest of us right over the cliff with them!
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Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #8
September 15, 2010, 05:36:33 pm »
Am I the only one whose bullsh*t meter pegged upon reading the following?
Will the Tea Party Take Down Another Establishment Candidate?
ABC News
Sept 14, 2010
In Tuesday’s Delaware primary, the tea party movement may inflict its most devastating wound yet to the Republican establishment.
With an assist from Sarah Palin, tea party activists in Delaware are trying to defeat the Republican candidate with the best chance to win Joe Biden’s old Senate seat and nominate instead a candidate Republican leaders say has no chance of winning the general election in November.
Rep. Mike Castle is considered a slam dunk to capture Joe Biden’s old Senate seat. Castle is a pro-abortion rights, pro-gun control Republican who often works with Democrats. Those traits have helped make him the most popular Republican in a state that leans heavily Democratic; Castle has twice been elected governor and was elected as Delaware’s sole representative in the House nine times.
Full article here
Sarah Palin is herself a
of the corporate-owned political "establishment," so why would she "assist" anyone unless doing so
that establishment?
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What does "Tea Party candidate" mean, exactly? Are there any litmus test issues?
Reply #9
September 15, 2010, 05:42:47 pm »
The following article raises some important questions that I almost never see addressed:
Anti-Establishment Fervor A Hammer Blow To Washington Elite
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Amidst the defeat two more establishment Republicans by Tea Party candidates last night, a new Rasmussen poll shows that anti-incumbent challenger Sharron Angle is now tied with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and stands a good chance of ousting him in November, which would represent a massive blow to the Washington elite.
Angle’s popularity is excelled by Kentucky’s Rand Paul,
who has taken a commanding lead over Democrat Jack Conway
after trouncing establishment Republican Trey Grayson back in May.
Mirroring Paul’s success, Delaware Tea Party candidate
Christine O’Donnell defeated nine-term Republican Michael Castle last night
, despite a last minute GOP rush to help him save his seat. After the result, Republican insider Karl Rove attacked O’Donnell’s character and derided her as a “nut,” in a transparent example of how the neo-con establishment is panicked at genuinely grass-roots candidates who have not been co-opted by the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, another Tea Party-backed newcomer, Carl Paladino, easily won New York’s Republican gubernatorial race, beating establishment candidate Rick Lazio.
Given the burgeoning success of anti-establishment candidates in recent months, one wonders when the system will turn to its rigged voting machines and shady back-handers in order to counter what is increasingly looking like a peaceful revolution conducted via the ballot box.
What is it exactly that makes Christine O’Donnell (the candidate pictured above) a "Tea Party" or "anti-establishment" candidate?
Is it the mere fact that most people have agreed to call her that while having at best only a vague understanding of what the term actually means, or is it specific
policy reforms
she advocates? If the latter, then what
those policy reforms? Do her supporters even know?
And what about litmus test issues? Are there any? Can someone like
Peter Schiff
, for instance, parrot establishment talking points on an issue as important as
yet still be considered an "anti"-establishment candidate?
These questions are vital. Why? Because the less a political movement defines itself in terms of specific policy positions (such as the ones I advocate
), the more telegenic Judas goats and smooth-talking establishment operatives will do it
them. Tea Party cheerleaders ignore this fact at their peril.
Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 10:33:00 am by Geolibertarian
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Re: What does "Tea Party candidate" mean, exactly? Are there any litmus test issues?
Reply #10
September 15, 2010, 05:44:14 pm »
Quote from: Geolibertarian on September 15, 2010, 05:42:47 pm
What is it exactly that makes Christine O’Donnell (the candidate pictured above) a "Tea Party" or "anti-establishment" candidate?
Is it the mere fact that most people have agreed to call her that while having at best only a vauge understanding of what the term actually means, or is it specific
policy reforms
she advocates? If the latter, then what
those policy reforms? Do her supporters even know?
Just so everyone knows, the reason I'm suspicious of O'Donnell is that, in the following clip, she accuses Obama of having increased federal spending across the board "except" for so-called "defense" (read: corporate-orchestrated
And as Ron Paul himself would readily attest, that is a bald-faced
The Pentagon Budget: Largest Ever and Growing
by Sara Flounders
Global Research, November 19, 2009
International Action Center - 2009-11-07
On Oct. 28, President Barack Obama signed the 2010 Defense Authorization Act, the largest military budget in U.S. history.
It is not only the world's largest military budget but is larger than the military expenditures of the whole rest of the world combined. And it is growing nonstop. The 2010 military budget--which doesn't even cover many war-related expenditures--is listed as $680 billion. In 2009 it was $651 billion and in 2000 was $280 billion. It has more than doubled in 10 years.
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #11
October 09, 2010, 10:37:54 am »
Quote from: Geolibertarian on August 27, 2010, 12:40:27 pm
If there are any relative newcomers who are confused as to how the Tea Party came to exist in the first place, see the following:
Assuming those reading this have watched the above youtube clip, here's what Sarah Palin is obviously counting on her gullible followers to remain blissfully ignorant of:
Authorities Quietly Reverse Underwear Bomber Official Story
Eyewitness Kurt Haskell’s description of accomplice vindicated after weeks of denial
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Authorities have quietly reversed the official story behind the Christmas Day underwear bomber attack and acknowledged that an accomplice was involved, despite weeks of denial and derision of eyewitness Kurt Haskell’s description of a sharp-dressed man who helped Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab board Flight 253 in Amsterdam.
Buried in the last two paragraphs of a story about alleged female suicide bombers coming from Yemen,
an ABC News report
contains the following bombshell.
“Federal agents also tell ABCNews.com they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.”
“Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab “did not get cold feet.”
Detroit lawyer Kurt Haskell maintained from the beginning that he saw a well-dressed Indian man aid the accused bomber to board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terror watch list.
“While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, ‘He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time,’”
reported the Michigan Live news website
FBI agents interviewed Haskell and he told them about the sharp-dressed man but officials refused to admit that a wider conspiracy was at hand, stoically maintaining the official story that Abdulmutallab had acted alone. Authorities claimed that videotapes did not show a second man accompanying Abdulmutallab and yet they refused to release any footage of the alleged bomber.
“Why is this not total breaking news?” asks Haskell’s wife on their family blog. “I think we now know WHY the video is not being released. Because IT SHOWS WHAT KURT SAID!!!!!! I mean, where is his apology? Where? They come out in the media, basically calling Kurt a liar, then they take it back, but it is in the bottom of another nonrelated article. Ridiculous. And still, to date, no authorities contacting KURT to ask him to look at the freaking video and help identify the guy. It’s so insane to me. We have an eyewitness to this, and they just don’t care.”
There seems little doubt that Abdulmutallab had at least one accomplice if not more. Authorities have remained silent on other eyewitness reports which described a man intently filming the alleged terrorist throughout the whole flight, a connection that strongly suggests the attempted bomber was involved in some kind of drill and that his strings were being pulled by people in more senior positions.
In addition, Flight 253 passengers reported seeing a third man connected to the incident being handcuffed by FBI agents after sniffer dogs found something suspect in his luggage. After initially denying any knowledge of this individual,
authorities were forced to acknowledge his existence
but claimed he had nothing to do with the attempted attack, completely contradicting multiple eyewitness accounts that state passengers were moved from a waiting area after it was made clear to them that a bomb had been found.
The fact that Abdulmutallab’s accomplices were all described as being Indian in appearance would contradict the story that has been spun around the issue in an effort to sell the public on naked body scanners in airports as well as deeper U.S. military involvement in Yemen.
Congressional Hearing Reveals US Intelligence Agencies Shielded Flight 253 Bomber
by Alex Lantier
Global Research
February 4, 2010
A January 27 hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security established that US intelligence agencies stopped the State Department from revoking the US visa of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The Nigerian student, whom US officials suspected of being affiliated with the Yemeni terrorist group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, attempted to set off a bomb on Northwest Flight 253 into Detroit on Christmas Day. Revocation of Abdulmutallab’s visa would have prevented him from boarding the airplane.
The hearing was reported in a brief article posted January 27 on the web site of the Detroit News, headlined, “Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping Off Larger Investigation.”
The revelation that US intelligence agencies made a deliberate decision to allow Abdulmutallab to board the commercial flight, without any special airport screening, has been buried in the media. As of this writing, nearly a week after the hearing, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Postand Los Angeles Times have published no articles on the subject. Nor have the broadcast or cable media reported on it.
This is despite—or perhaps more accurately, because of—the fact that this information exposes the official government story of the near-disaster to be a lie. President Obama, who has joined with top US intelligence, FBI and Homeland Security officials to insist that Abdulmutallab was inadvertently allowed to board the plane carrying explosives because of a failure to “connect the dots,” has from the start been deceiving the American people.
Flight 253: Intelligence Agencies Nixed State Department Move to Revoke Bomber's Visa
by Tom Burghardt
Global Research, February 8, 2010
Antifascist Calling - 2010-02-07
Rightist demagogues, as they are wont to do, prattle-on how they, and they alone, can "keep America safe"--by shredding the Constitution.
Waging a decades-long psychological war against the American people, corporatist thugs embedded within the National Security State assure us that secrecy, deceit and imperial adventures that steal other peoples' resources are the one true path to national prosperity and universal happiness.
But what happens when those charged with protecting us from attack, actually aid and abet those who would kill us, and then handsomely profit from our slaughter in the process?
During a January 27
of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, testified that the visa of accused bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, wasn't revoked at the specific request of secret state agencies.
Kennedy, a Bushist State Department holdover, was the former Director on National Intelligence for Management and headed the transition team that set up the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in 2005 under former Ambassador to Iraq, John D. Negroponte, a veteran of U.S. covert operations since the Vietnam war.
Given the avalanche of media interest, fueled by Fox News and the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal, whether or not the suspect should have been read his Miranda rights, the only coverage of the hearings that reported Kennedy's explosive testimony, was a brief article in the
Detroit News
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Ratigan Slams Tea Party Borg Hive
Reply #12
October 27, 2010, 05:37:09 pm »
Ratigan Slams Tea Party Borg Hive
Kurt Nimmo
October 21, 2010
Less than two weeks out from the dog and pony show called mid-term elections and Dylan Ratigan wants to know what happened to the Tea Party. He correctly observes that the hitherto grassroots movement was sold down the river and absorbed by the Republican Party. Karl Denninger of FedUpUSA tells Ratigan the movement has devolved into territory safe for the establishment — Guns, gays, God. The threat to the bankster system has been effectively neutralized.
On his blog
, Denninger writes that Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and “****” groups such as the Tea Party Patriots are a joke. “The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity,” writes Denninger.
The trademark Tea Party destroyed from within by establishment Republicans and now headed up by the ditz Sarah Palin has done virtually nothing to confront the “banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who don’t judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more.”
Sarah Palin has not said one word about locking up the banksters that brought up on the housing bubble and economic collapse. Not one word about Bernanke’s out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt….
Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with The Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!
Less than two weeks to go and the Tea Party will tote the establishment Republican line. A new crop of Republicans will sweep Congress and take over the House and possibly the Senate, but come January it will be business as usual.
Nothing of substance will change. The banksters will continue their plan to turn the United States into a third-world hellhole. The middle class will vanish. The “wars” in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq will continue. Neocons will scamper out of the woodwork like cockroaches and their total war agenda will reign supreme.
Bomb Iran Sarah will team up with Mitt Romney or some other vetted globalist and they may very well depose Barry Obama in 2012.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Note: the following video contains impolite language.
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Kucinich challenges tea party to stand up for civil liberties
Reply #13
February 15, 2011, 12:06:24 pm »
Kucinich challenges tea party to stand up for civil liberties
Sahil Kapur
Raw Story
February 9, 2011
WASHINGTON – The House is set to take up a measure this week renewing key provisions of the PATRIOT Act that expire Feb. 28.
Liberal Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) issued a challenge to tea party supporters and lawmakers in the new Congress: time to show you’re serious about liberty.
“The 112th Congress began with a historic reading of the U.S. Constitution,” Kucinich said in a statement. “Will anyone subscribe to the First and Fourth Amendments tomorrow when the PATRIOT Act is up for a vote? I am hopeful that members of the Tea Party who came to Congress to defend the Constitution will join me in challenging the reauthorization.”
Republicans won back control of the House by a large margin in November, thriving on the energy of the tea party movement, which fretted that Democrats were undermining freedom in the United States. Republican lawmakers across the country frequently proffer their commitment to the tea party’s self-styled ideals of liberty and freedom.
“Will tea party members defend the Constitution or capitulate on PATRIOT Act extension?” Kucinich’s statement added.
Read full article
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Tea Party Caucus Leader Bachmann Votes for PATRIOT Act
Reply #14
February 15, 2011, 12:13:52 pm »
Quote from: Geolibertarian on August 24, 2010, 06:29:41 pm
Unsurprisingly absent from the above "contract" are civil liberties, foreign policy, and monetary reform.
With regard to civil liberties, is this inexcusable omission on your part a veiled way of saying you
“Patriot” Act
, the
Homeland “Security” Act
, the
Military Commissions Act
, and
Presidential Directive 51
? Is
your idea of “protecting” the Constitution?
It sure didn't take long for the newly-elected Republicans to answer my question, did it?
Tea Party Caucus Leader Bachmann Votes for PATRIOT Act
Kurt Nimmo
February 15, 2011
Now that establishment Republicans have managed to steer the Tea Party into the political Borg Hive and run off the real patriots, it is time to get the neocon total war agenda back on track.
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Just another tool for the neocon mass murder agenda.
Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann, like Alaska’s Sarah Palin, likes to pretend she is at the center of the Tea Party movement. She talks loud and long about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Last week Bachmann voted for an extension of the Constitution-busting PATRIOT Act.
“Today I voted for a temporary extension of three legal authorities in the Patriot Act,” Bachmann wrote on her
on February 8. “This vote was not for a full reauthorization of the Patriot Act. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I look forward to briefings and reports from our intelligence community that will help us develop longer term solutions as we protect our nation against international terrorism.”
“Today’s vote was for a ten-month extension of three provisions that would have expired later this month,” she posted on her
House page
. “These provisions maintain the flexibility that our intelligence community needs to monitor terror suspects and protect our country against international terrorism. As a mother of five and a foster mother to 23 children, I voted for these authorities so that our laws keep pace with the evolving threats posed by terrorists.”
As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, it is fair to assume Ms. Bachmann is a tool for the CIA and the Pentagon and buys into their phony war on manufactured terror.
But then she always was a dupe for the neocons. Michelle Bachmann was so enamored with the war criminal George W. Bush, she felt compelled to hug and kiss him after his State of the Dis-functional Union teleprompter speech a few years ago.
But as I so often point out, those Republicans didn't elect themselves.
So once again: thanks a bunch,
lesser evil voters
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Betrayed! Tea Party Politicians Vote for Patriot Act
Reply #15
February 17, 2011, 01:16:18 pm »
Betrayed! Tea Party Politicians Vote for Patriot Act
The American Dream
February 17, 2011
For a moment, imagine that you are awakened one night by a heavily-armed team of federal agents dressed in all black breaking into your home. As you confront them, they hand you a piece of paper that says that your son has been identified as a “terrorist” and that they are there to take him away. They pull your son out of bed, they throw him on the floor and the use a taser on him repeatedly. Then they handcuff him and haul him away without telling you a thing about where they are taking him. Your son suddenly has no rights because the Patriot Act supersedes the U.S. Constitution. That’s right – because your son has been identified as a “terrorist” because of something that he has said on the Internet he no longer has any constitutional rights. Your underage son is held indefinitely and is subjected to “enhanced interrogation” because he has been identified as a “threat”. You are not able to get your son back for years even though it turns out that he is completely and totally innocent. If you think that such a thing cannot happen to you then you are a fool, because this kind of thing is happening over and over across the United States and it is all legal because of the Patriot Act.
America is rapidly turning into a horrible Big Brother police state and most of our politicians are fully supporting this transformation. In fact, the U.S. House of Representatives gave us quite a Valentine’s Day gift the other day when it voted to once again extend provisions of the Patriot Act that allow for domestic surveillance of American citizens, wire tapping of American citizens and warrantless searches of the homes of American citizens.
What was perhaps most disappointing was that a large number of “Tea Party politicians” cast votes in favor of renewing the Patriot Act provisions.
The majority of Americans were absolutely disgusted when the Bush administration instituted the Patriot Act and many other police state measures and they voted for Barack Obama hoping for something different.
Well, it turns out that Barack Obama has been even worse.
Have you been to an airport lately? Yeah, those “naked body scanners” and “enhanced pat-downs” are a lot of fun, aren’t they?
Many Americans voted for Tea Party candidates during the last election hoping that they would be willing to stand up for liberty and freedom.
Well, it turns out that many of them caved when it came time to vote on the extension of Patriot Act provisions.
So is there anyone out there that we can vote for that will stand up for liberty and freedom?
The truth is that this is not a conservative issue and it is not a liberal issue.
This is an American issue.
But doesn’t the Patriot Act keep us safe from terrorism?
Just the other day Dr. Vahid Majidi, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, admitted that even with all of our “security measures” the chance that the U.S. will be hit a weapon of mass destruction
is 100 percent
“There’s a probability of 100 percent that a WMD event will happen.”
But even if the Patriot Act could keep us “safer”, is that any reason for us to live the rest of our lives as “cattle” in a Big Brother police state that is becoming more like George Orwell’s 1984 every single day?
Are we willing to forever renounce being “the land of the free and the home of the brave” just so that we can feel a bit more secure?
The truth is that the U.S. government is not really protecting us anyway. Our border with Mexico
is wide open
and millions of people have been pouring across it unchecked. It would be ridiculously easy for any potential “terrorists” to smuggle dangerous weapons into this country.
So please don’t try to tell me that the U.S. government is actually serious about national security. Until the U.S. government is willing to do something about the border they should not be asking the American people to give up a single ounce of liberty or freedom for the sake of “security”.
But instead of securing the border and doing other practical things that would actually keep this country safer, our government
has become absolutely obsessed
with watching us, tracking us, listening to us, “assessing” us and controlling us.
In the process, the America that we all once loved is rapidly being destroyed. Because of laws like the Patriot Act, our country now more closely resembles East Germany during the Cold War than the nation that our founding fathers originally established.
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"For the first years of [Ludwig von] Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the
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Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #16
April 13, 2011, 04:08:34 pm »
Below are two excerpts from Webster Tarpley’s radio show, in which Mr. Tarpley assesses the Tea Party from a sociological perspective. I imagine some will take issue with Tarpley’s analysis, and that’s fine; but I would ask that you not merely assert
his analysis is wrong, but offer a fact-based explanation as to
you think it’s wrong (or partly wrong).
“On the Republican side, you can see the Republican strategy. They started with an array of themes last August [‘09]. There were moments in this [health care] debate where Republicans, including McCain, forced votes in the Senate on the 500 billion dollars of Medicare cuts. There was a general awareness coming from people like Dick Morris (an unsavory figure, but nevertheless a successful manipulator in the tradition of Lee A****er, Karl Rove and others)….Dick Morris pointed out that the way to defeat the Obama bill was to turn the senior citizens against it (the over 65s), to convince them -- to show them -- that the $500 billion in Medicare cuts was a threat to their lives and their future well-being. That is to say, an effective Republican strategy would have concentrated on saying: ‘Don’t let Obama take your Medicare away!’ That’s effective.
“Instead you saw -- as the debate went on, you heard less and less about that, and more and more of the wild, reactionary yahoo charges, ‘Oh, it’s communism! Oh, it’s socialism!’ and above all, ‘Government takeover! Government takeover! Government takeover!’ Well, I’m sorry, it’s not a government takeover of healthcare; it’s a takeover of government by the insurance companies -- and by Big Pharma, don’t forget them. Big Pharma is now shielded from any future attempt to import drugs from Europe, Canada, Japan, where they’re just as good as they are here, or better.…This [was] bargained away by Obama before anything else started. So it [ObamaCare] is essentially the federal government turned into a tool of Big Pharma to keep out foreign competitors -- a cartel in that sense -- and then the insurance cartel that we talked about just a minute ago. So, the Republican slogan -- this constant litany: ‘Government takeover! Government takeover!’ -- this is not effective. Nobody cares. People want access to health care, and whether it’s a government bureaucracy or a private sector bureaucracy means very little to the average person. So the Republicans essentially deliberately narrowed their own base.
“It’s similar to what the Republican operatives did, now, with their manipulation and duping of the Tea Party. They made the Tea Party as narrow as they could. That is to say, there were no Ron Paul people at the Tea Party, there were no PUMA Democrats, there was no anti-war in any way. You had to be a warmonger to get into the Tea Party. This makes no sense.
“Now, let’s just look at the interesting example here [in] Washington last Saturday [3/20/10]….We had two demonstrations going on: we had the tea baggers at the Capitol, and then we had the peaceniks at the White House. Now, let’s look at the tea baggers first. I had the opportunity to visit both of these.
The thing that you see with the tea baggers is, of course, this is a lily-white group. This is a rather comfortable, rather well-heeled, middle class group. The main thing you see with the Tea Party is that these are retired military, retired military, retired military. I had a chance to talk to quite a few of them, and, lo and behold, in the course of most conversations it would turn out that this was retired military. They would come with their hats, the ship that they were on, their Army or Marines t-shirt at all ages, and so forth. They’re retired military. So what does that mean? It means that they have got their piece of the federal budget. They’re all on U.S. government military pensions. They’re all available to get TRICARE, or Veterans Administration medical care. There’s an element of hypocrisy in this -- and I’m sorry -- which is: ‘I’ve got my piece of the federal budget, I’ve got my pension, I’ve got my health care for life, and you can be damned!’ The thirty or forty million [without health insurance] they don’t care about. So there’s essentially an element of bad faith at the heart of this.
“And, of course, the people running this are all Republican operatives. They’re all Republican think-tankers. We’ve gone through it before: Richard Mellon Scaife, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Heartland Institute, Dick Armey (Republican leader) -- they're all a bunch of Republicans.”
—Webster Tarpley,
World Crisis Radio
broadcast, 3/27/10, 1st hour
“In terms of sociology, here’s our premise: there
no Tea Party. The media talk about nothing else. The media are interested in keeping alive the fantasy, the myth by now, that there’s such thing as the Tea Party as an actual sociological movement. There is no such thing.
“The Washington post did a series of attempted phone calls…to contact these people. They went to Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots, Freedom Works and the rest of these
organizations. These are essentially Republican PACs that re-baptized themselves ‘Tea Party.’ In 2004 they were ‘reelect Bush.’ In 2006 they were ‘support Denny Hastert and Tom DeLay.’ And then in 2010 they become: ‘we’re the Tea Party, we’re the insurgents.’ This should fool nobody. This is the Sal Russo corner of the world. And, again, these are Republican operatives, professionals who have now succeeded in completely absorbing whatever Tea Party there was into the Republican Party.
“Now, the Washington Post found -- the allegation was that there was 2,400 Tea Party organizations, that’s what these astroturf groups claim -- [the] Washington Post tried to contact them….They were able to make contact with 600 of these, and
the overwhelming finding was that they did nothing: that they had no relation to elections; that they didn’t support candidates, they didn’t have their own candidates, they didn’t have their own program, they didn’t do anything much. They were essentially social clubs.
They would meet for coffee or bowling or a skit, or some other kind of friendly neighborhood activity. It means that the rank-and-file -- the grassroots structure of what was the Tea Party -- is now completely gone.
“Nevertheless, what you can [see when you] look at Tea Party -- you can certainly see, when Beck calls for a demonstration, he gets 100,000 or whatever he gets. You can have these Tea Party rallies over issues. This is now the same method as we’ve described in
Obama: The Postmodern Coup
“Remember, take a look in
Obama: The Postmodern Coup
at the entire chapter that’s devoted to ‘swarming adolescents’ [and] ‘rebellious hysteria’ -- the distinguished article by Jonathan Mowat -- about how the color revolutions are now organized. This is based on CIA practice in the Philippines against Marcos in the 1980s; what went on in Iran in the late 70s against the Shah, in bringing in the other regime that we see now; and the thing that was then prolonged into the Belgrade overthrow of Milosevic in 2000/2001; and the Kiev Orange Revolution that put Yushchenko and that gang into power; the NATO agents and IMF agents, the Roses Revolution in Tblisi, Georgia that put in the madman Saakashvili, the warmonger; the attempted Cedars Revolution in Lebanon, and so on and so forth around the world, using demagogic leaders, slogans, branding; Tea Party [is] obviously one of them, all these costumes, the 18th-century costumes, ‘don’t tread on me,’ -- these are all essentially the applications of the same method….It’s also the case of Obama. The Obama campaign of ‘07/’08 was exactly the same thing; it was an astroturfing method that took the existing militants and the existing activists of the anti-Bush/anti-Cheney impeachment movement, which was reaching down deep into the middle class, the anti-war movement and other popular movements, and recycled them into dupes and useful idiots for Obama -- and then threw them away.
“And that’s where we stand now: these movements have essentially been swept away and destroyed.
“At the beginning with the Tea Party, you did have a certain spontaneous aspect -- this cannot be denied -- in the first half of 2009. I would point in particular to the sociology. Having talked with Tea Party people, gone to some demonstrations, and attempted to profile these groups sociologically, what do you find? You find a lot of stock brokers, you find a lot of real estate brokers. What does that mean? These are people who are appendages of Wall Street, appendages of the great speculative machine -- the retail broker, the local financial adviser. The real estate broker -- we can see the character of the hero’s mother in the latest Oliver Stone movie: she’s caught up in the flipping houses routine on Long Island. They are people who imagine themselves to be in some kind of a symbiosis with Wall Street -- they think that their personal interests are bound up with Wall Street -- and therefore their instinctive view, as we’ve seen, the Tea Party view tends to mimic and ape the finance capital view.
“For example: the fact that the Tea Party program of gut and cut is exactly the same as the George Shultz program announced in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, where we find that the things that you’ve got to do according to George Shultz are tax cuts for the rich, savage cuts in domestic discretionary spending, savage cuts in the entitlement spending; no new regulations -- gut those -- and have (he said) a rule-bound or predictable international financial policy. Well, to the extent that the Tea Party people have anything to say about this, that’s what it was from the very beginning.
“But, again, you also had a lot of retired military, who had been ideologized in that obvious way of hyper-patriotism, and so forth, but also people who knew that their nests had been fully lined with Pentagon TRICARE and military pensions that are much better than Medicare or Social Security, and who felt that they didn’t need anybody else climbing onto that bandwagon -- they wanted to pull the ladder up now that they had gone up it. And they have all kinds of reasons why they want this to be so.
“But in the mean time, that, I think, has completely atrophied, and what you’ve got now is the dominion of astroturfing groups funded by the Koch brothers; funded by Richard Mellon Scaife, the Olin Foundation, the Smith-Richardson Foundation, and so forth, getting into the act, and supporting the Heartland Institute and the network of reactionary think tanks that you have all over the place. And this has now become a phantom. It’s an ideological phantom which these commentators cite constantly as if it really exists. Well, it doesn’t exist.”
—Webster Tarpley,
World Crisis Radio
broadcast, 11/06/10, 2nd hour
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Posts: 62
Re: Why the Republican-hijacked "Tea Party" movement has become a pathetic joke!
Reply #17
April 14, 2011, 04:47:26 pm »
I knew the TEA-Parties would turn Globalist-Republican on us. Kind of like the Clones of the REPUBLIC became Storm-Troopers for the EMPIRE.
Constitution Party Promotional Video
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