Jonnie Goodboy
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:45:46 am » |
... Metamorphosing, Metaphysical Titles aside ...The Leading Comment from this post is taken from 'THE BIG CHANGE' a leading Eco-Village think tank, and activist Networking Blog, with participants as influential as Albert Bates and other 60's Hangover Beatniks . .. Are they also coming clean now that we're in 'The Big Change' or are they just trying to gleen the Glory? Thursday, June 30, 2011Fracking Culture "We are right at that spaghetti junction where all the lines converge with population and resources, food supply, energy, water and the rest. We’re at that point right now, in exactly the decade The Club of Rome predicted we would arrive here. We have to somehow get through this collapsing passageway and into the next paradigm.""This past week, before leaving to attend the gathering of the Ecovillage Network of Canada at La Cité Écologique in Quebec, we were asked to speak at a forum hosted by Nashville Peace and Justice Center concerning hydrofracking, mountaintop removal, and nuclear power in Tennessee. This is a rough transcript of those remarks. First I want to start with setting a context, because usually you begin with a problem statement. A lot of what we address at the Ecovillage Training Center and in our curricula for trainings and workshops are methodologies for a switch — a massive transition — from the past paradigm that is failing us now to something entirely new that has the potential for success — to make us successful as a species in partnership with all the other species on the planet.
To do that, you have to understand the need for a realistic framework to get us from where we are to where we are going, and to, in some sense, reverse engineer it, seeing where we want to be and then backcasting to see what steps are necessary to get us where we want to be within a reasonable time frame. Phasing out of emissions from coal, oil and natural gas — particularly methane — is an enormous challenge. To change over the entire fossil fuel paradigm to a post-petroleum paradigm is an enormous challenge. You have to think about how such a transition is even possible. The current administration’s plan — the Obama/Boehner/Bachmann drill baby drill menu — is all about Canadian tar sands, a pipeline from Canada, the Marcella Shale, the Bakkan and various other plays, offshore deep wells and ways to accelerate the fossil end game. If that succeeds, it is essentially game over. There is no way we are going to take all that carbon dioxide back out of the atmosphere in the timeframe that we need to. We’re going to get runaway warming, the methane clathrates bubbling up from the bottom of the oceans, and various other nightmare scenarios. Nuclear power has been held out as a carbon-free alternative source of energy, but that is the same PR bull we have been handed since Our Friend The Atom was foisted upon innocent schoolchildren, and was also given to the Japanese schoolchildren, by the way. If you look at the entire nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear is black carbon dirtier than natural gas and not quite as dirty as coal. Coal is more radioactive than natural gas but not as radioactive as nuclear. All of them kill people in order to do what? Boil water. They kill unborn children in future generations, and expose them to horrible birth defects and cancers in order to brew coffee and dry hair.".... Read full-article on the Bog. All this anti - 'Fake Environmentalism' however, does not solve the problem of PREDATORY, Cruel, sometimes INHUMAN and Clueless, unacountable CORPORATE BIG INDUSTRY. That is the way PREDATORY HUMAN Development has worked. I guess there is an argument which says that GREED and the AMERICAN propensity for endless consumption has to be addressed, and even that the only way you can stop its endless slog is by hurting its protagonists where they will feel it most - in the POCKET.
But for me, that's just another form of PREDATION. Typical limiting, gullible human Behaviour and I can't do that. Not because I'm stupid but because I'm not interested in predation, I'm only interested in cooperation and constructive fabrication of useful tools.
My model for Responsible Industry, is workable, and indeed is also practiced by Close-friends of Albert Bates, notably SOLAR ELECTRONICS International who have since the early 1980's fabricated a range of Radiation/Dosimeters used by Police, Fire, First-Responder, Government, and even the Nuclear Industry itself.
SOLAR ELECTRONICS actually live in an ECO-VILLAGE established in 1971. And it's still there. I have lived, and worked with it's founder(s), so I have to express a sympathy with their opinions and admit they know what they are talking about.
Maybe Eco-Villages are the only solution to Corporate Big Predatory Industry on GM models of the past. But, I'm not trying to break them. I only want to do my thing.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 09:11:20 am by Two Tenners »
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh". — Prov 29:2